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During the period of 1982-1998, Gary Ridgeway killed more than 90 women in the areas of Washington State and California. The name "Green River Killer" came about after his first five victims were found in the Green River. Ridgeway would typically strangle the women by hand and then dump their bodies in rivers or forested areas (Baird). It was proven that Ridgeway raped many of the women before dumping their bodies, most of these women were prostitutes he picked up. Over the course of the almost 20 year investigation evidence and DNA was acquired, but it wasn't until a DNA match, and the findings of some critical material evidence that they were able to catch Ridgeway (Baird).


Ridgeway is currently serving 48 consecutive life sentences. He made a plea bargain and confessed to the murders in order to spare his life, more than 90 bodies have been found so far.... 


Green River Victims. N.d. Washington State.

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